
Sometimes we inherit heavy models that can’t perform well over the web. We offer object complexity reduction without suffering a loss of quality.

What is it?

While there are other reasons to reduce the overall size and complexity of a particular 3D asset, the most common reason is to be able to render a model in real time; particularly over the web. Over the years we have found several clients meet one of two problems to solve.

One, they want to have interactive 3D content on their website and already know they have CAD models from the engineering team, only to realize these models are far too high in load times due to their complexity.

Two, a client hires a 3D scanning team only to find they’ve been handed raw scan data or extremely high-polygon exports instead of an optimized, performant asset.

Our reduction services begin with a simple meeting to discuss art direction and performance limitations to provide you with a perfect likeness of the complex object at a much more performant complexity.

How long does it take?

Everything depends on the asset in question, but this is commonly able to be a same day deliverable with edge cases only lasting two or three days.