Obsessed with Perfection in our 3D Craft

Micron Scans offers 3D scanning and modeling for any object or project. Nothing is too large or too small.

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As the world of online assets moves from 2D to 3D, we provide a structured and comprehensive approach to understanding the 3D applications that suit your needs, whether you’re new to 3D or have lots of experience. We take our backgrounds in visual fx for game, film, architecture, and other visual industries and combine them with the cutting edge scanning processes available today. Whether it’s CAD for engineers or art for AR/VR, we’ve got you covered.


As-Built 3D Scanning

From a skyscraper to an insect, we are trained scanning technicians with a background in visual fx as well as CAD engineering workflows. We scan with your needs in mind.

3D Modeling and Rendering

Some jobs don't require scanning and will be created using traditional 3D modeling methods. No matter how they're created, we can take those assets through our pipeline to be rendered in any format for any purpose. Whether it is V-Ray, realtime WebGL, or raw data for reverse engineering, we have it covered.


Sometimes we inherit heavy models that can’t perform well over the web. We offer object complexity reduction without suffering a loss of quality.

Threekit Integration

Threekit is a powerful engine that offers real-time configurable, customizable 3D product visualization for their clients. We have extensive knowledge and experience with the Threekit platform. We can work at any scale to make sure your project meets your visual expectations while loading as fast as possible.

Our Approach

At Micron Scans, we develop 3D assets – 3D assets for product visualization, architects, engineers, preservation, or any client who has found a use for 3D within their vertical. To achieve each client’s needs, we assign a project lead to discover how best to represent your assets in 3D. We put a premium on discovering the distinct character that a client wants their assets to convey, be it photorealism, cartoon rendering, or anything in between. Our highest reviewed projects are those that succeed in expressing a client’s desires, connecting their customers with their product.

Our relationship with every new client begins the same way: with the development of a “wish list”. We ask each individual involved in the project to articulate their hopes for the finished deliverables, requesting that they ignore any perceived limitations or restrictions. We ask our clients to take this leap of faith because we are confident that we will be able to realize their dreams with cost-effective, high-quality, and high performance solutions. While technology always has technical limitations, we have yet to be unable to reach the bar for all parties involved in the product development of what we give our clients.

We take this approach for several reasons. First, we have found that 3D is often a new venture at a technical level for many who’ve found themselves noticing their competitors are suddenly using 3D in their offerings, or perhaps for the board members who know what they want and don’t need to know “how it’s made.” Second, we have found that 3D assets need to be perfected for not only the immediate future, but also made to be future-proof for a three year roadmap so as to maximize cost-effectiveness and efficiency for the life of the assets. Finally, we believe that if a client’s goals and aspirations are compromised before a project has even begun, we will have missed the opportunity to create the ideal building for them.

We measure our quality and effectiveness by our clients’ satisfaction, and attribute our success to clear communication and a passion for detail and perfection. These visions are the result of strong collaboration among the client, our team of caring professionals, and our partnering consultants and engineers, all of whom see each project to fruition.

We would not consider a project a success without the unanimous approval of each decision maker on your team. Our 3D assets will represent your company, and we take that responsibility very seriously and act as though your company was our own. This is always accomplished by setting early art direction and project requirement collaboration meetings early in the project to ensure visions are aligned and technology is as understood as necessary for a given project.

Micron Scans treats each client as a boutique clientele by taking the time to know your needs, and apply our methodical approach to reach target dates each project requires. You are our inspiration, and perfection is our reputation.

We’re ready to guide newcomers to 3D needs or customers who are ready for implementation. Please reach out to us and tell us a bit about your project.

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